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With a background in dance and philosophy, I was initially drawn to Chinese Medicine after studying Tai Chi and Taoism college. These explorations instilled a deeper awareness of the mind body connection, and as I learned how to cultivate breath into my physical practice, I began to view health as a dynamic, changing process that can be nurtured through diet, movement, and meditation.


Shortly after college I moved to San Francisco to study Chinese Medicine and began receiving acupuncture regularly, and my health improved in numerous ways. My digestion and my cycles became more regular and I no longer experienced headaches on a weekly basis. After receiving my master’s degree I started practicing in Salt Lake City, and discovered my real passion in treating conditions related to pregnancy, gynecology, and fertility. I have since completed additional training and in 2022 I became a Fellow of the Acupuncture and TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine. I take an integrative approach within my practice and strive to incorporate current research within the context of foundational TCM theory and treatment. 


Over the years Chinese Medicine has shaped the ways I view health, providing me valuable tools to support myself through life’s phases including my recent journey of becoming pregnant and giving birth to my son in 2023. I love that acupuncture brings us closer to ourselves and profoundly attunes us to our own natural healing process. How we move through all seasons of life with flow and ease is what inspires my practice. It is my aim to create space for individuals to discover their potential for healing, and to live well.


Licensed Acupuncturist


Certified Fertility Acupuncturist

American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine

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Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

National Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

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for Ballet West

Master of Science, Traditional Chinese Medicine 

from Academy of Chinese Culture & Health Sciences

Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship

under the supervision of Whitfield Reaves

Traditional Acupuncture for Facial Rejuvenation

by Michelle Gellis

Bachelor(BA) of Dance/Asian Studies

from Colorago College 

Independent Study, Yoga & Wellness 

from Associated Colleges of the Midwest (Pune, India)

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Independent Study, Chinese Meditative Arts

Taipei National University of the Arts

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(385) 242-0649

1204 E South Temple

Salt Lake City, UT 84102

  • Flow Acupuncture on YELP
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