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Welcome Lizze Maattala

Welcome Lizza Maattala to Flow Acupuncture & Apothecary!

We’re so excited to introduce you to the newest Acupuncturist here at flow, Lizze Maattala!

Lizze is a celebrated part of Salt Lake City’s art scene and brings her creativity, compassion, and connection to the clinic. Here’s a little bit about Lizze, her education and experience, and her acupuncture specialites...

Lizze has a Bachelor’s of Fine Art specializing in Sculpture. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Northwestern Health Sciences University in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and returned to Salt Lake City just after her clinical studies wrapped up. Lizze has a beautiful dog named Boone who loves going along on outdoor adventures.

While Lizze is an incredible general practitioner who can assist with any wellness goals you might be working on, she has some areas of expertise that come from both her personal passions and her clinical experience. If you’re working on any of these areas of wellness, come see Lizze!

·        All areas if mental health

·        Stress & anxiety

·        Depression

·        Spiritual imbalances

·        Chronic pain and muscle tension

·        Headaches

·        Dermatology and cosmetic acupuncture

·        Traditional cupping techniques

You can learn more about Lizze and schedule with her online here:

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